Tom Hanks, the Oscar-winning actor celebrated for his roles in “Forrest Gump” and “Saving Private Ryan,” has issued a warning about unauthorized ads featuring his likeness created by artificial intelligence (AI). These ads, which have recently surfaced online, endorse a range of products such as dental plans and “miracle cures,” all without Hanks’ permission.
On August 29, Hanks utilized his social media platforms to voice his concerns, alerting his followers about the deceptive nature of these AI-generated promotions. “These ads have been created fraudulently and through AI without my consent,” Hanks publicly announced. The actor has always been protective of his public image and this misuse of his likeness has deeply troubled him.
The deceptive advertisements have raised alarm among Hanks’ fans and the general public. “There are multiple ads over the internet falsely using my name, likeness, and voice promoting miracle cures and wonder drugs,” Hanks stated. His message serves as a general warning about the potential misuse of AI technology.
AI technology has seen significant advancements in recent years, making it increasingly challenging for consumers to differentiate between authentic content and AI-generated fabrications. The misuse of AI in digital advertising, as evidenced by the unauthorized use of Hanks’ image, underscores the urgency of this problem. These misleading ads pose a potential risk as they could lead unsuspecting individuals into believing that Hanks endorses the promoted products.
“Do not be fooled,” Hanks advised his followers on social media, emphasizing the need for caution in a time where digital falsification can happen effortlessly. For Hanks, the issue goes beyond protecting his image – it’s about safeguarding the public from the potential harm these deceptive practices could cause.
This isn’t the first time Hanks has raised concerns about AI. He has previously warned about the technology’s ability to create digital doppelgangers without the individual’s consent. The potential for misuse is enormous in a world where AI can precisely replicate a person’s voice, appearance, and mannerisms.
The incident has spurred a wider discussion about the need for stricter regulations and oversight on the use of AI in digital media. AI ethics experts have long cautioned about the risks associated with the technology, particularly the unauthorized use of someone’s likeness. The incident involving Hanks could act as a catalyst for more stringent laws aimed at protecting individuals from image exploitation by AI.
As AI continues to advance, the challenge of ensuring responsible use grows. For public figures like Hanks, the threat of AI-based manipulation of their likeness presents a new battlefront in the effort to maintain control over their public image. Hanks’ warning serves as a reminder that personal agency and consent are still paramount, even in the digital age.