HomeTop HeadlinesNew Details Emerge Regarding Angelina Jolie's Claims That Brad Pitt Assaulted Her

New Details Emerge Regarding Angelina Jolie’s Claims That Brad Pitt Assaulted Her

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Angelina Jolie has been revealed as the “Jane Doe” who anonymously sued the FBI for information, via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, regarding an investigation into a domestic violence incident which took place on a private jet. She was seeking the release of the FBI’s report on a fight between her and Brad Pitt, and questioning the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Pitt’s alleged verbal and physical abuse.

If you are, or were, a Brangelina fan, you may have been following their marital problems, adopted kids and divorce over the years. 

The Freedom of Information Act request, by a “Jane Doe,” referred to a 53-page FBI report. That report, not officially released but now spreading online, reveals Angelina’s testimony when FBI agents questioned her in 2016 regarding the plane fight. 

Angelina, now identified as the “Jane Doe” in the FOIA request, had been questioned by the FBI after the flight fight, which ultimately led to their divorce. 

Brad Pitt wasn’t charged with a crime at the time, even though the altercation was investigated by the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services. 

The FBI report states that Jolie accused Pitt of verbal and physical abuse.

According to Angelina, the couple had a fight on the private plane about what Pitt considered her bad parenting skills. He hurled insults at her, insulting the children, who were in ear-reach of the argument, and then continued his ranting as they moved to a more private area of the plane. 

Their six children, Maddox , now 21, Pax, 18, Zahara, 17, Shiloh, 16, and Vivienne and Knox, twins, 14, were all present, and were six years younger. (Again, the event happened in 2016.)

According to NBC News and Entertainment TonightPitt told her”You don’t know what you’re doing” when it came to raising their children.

Out of sight of the children, Jolie said her then-husband “grabbed her by the head, shaking her, followed by grabbing her at the shoulders and shaking her.”

After the chaos continued in the bathroom, Jolie claimed that one of the kids asked if she was okay, to which Pitt allegedly replied, “No mommy’s not OK. She’s ruining this family. She’s crazy.”

When the oldest child, Maddox, confronted Pitt, Jolie claims she had to restrain Pitt so he wouldn’t hit the boy. She said she grabbed Pitt around the neck and held him in a “choke hold.”

Allegedly, Pitt got free and Jolie got pushed into a plane seat, which she said resulted in injuries, which the FBI report contains images of. 

Apparently, they were on an expensive private plane, because the wine Brad spilled on the plane chair caused $25K in damages. 

Pitt allegedly was getting drunk during the incident and kept yelling and pacing throughout the plane. 

The verbal abuse continued, and Pitt threatened to end their marriage. When the plane stopped to refuel, Jolie wanted to get off and take her children with her on another flight, separate from Pitt. He reportedly told her, “You’re not f***ing going anywhere. You’re not getting off this f***ing plane. F*** you all. I’m f***ing leaving you.”

And, of course, they did end their marriage after that, in a contentious divorce.

Even though the incident, and the report, happened six years ago, Pitt is wondering why Jolie is reviving “an issue that was painful for everybody and was resolved six years ago.” 

A source for Pitt said, “They investigated it. They prepared materials, reviewed it together and decided not to charge him. What are the motivations of a person to take up court time and public resources in filing an anonymous FOIA request for material they have had for years? There’s only one: to inflict the most amount of pain on her ex. There is no benefit to this. It is harmful to the children and the entire family for this to be made public.”

Angelina Jolie has not commented, so far, on the revelation about her FOIA request, but she stated in the legal filings, as Jane Doe, that she had “public status,” but preferred to remain anonymous. (Good luck with that.) The document reads that “Jane Doe” explained that the FBI had closed its investigation, but that her lawsuit was an effort to “better understand the FBI’s investigation and obtain information necessary for her children to receive medical care and trauma counseling.”

The story will be updated as Jolie continues to drag Pitt’s name through the mud.

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