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Media Claims to Have Recorded Telephone Call Between Missing Georgia Toddler’s Grandma and His Biological Father

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Quinton Simon has been missing for three weeks, since October 5, and FBI investigators have been digging through the trash in the Chatham County landfill looking for him, after evidence emerged that he may have been put in a dumpster. 

His mother, Leilani, 22, the prime suspect, has not been arrested. She has come up with many stories, some publicly. She has alleged that the 18-month-old was not in his playpen in the Savannah, Georgia home when she woke up. She has also tried to pin the child’s disappearance on the boy’s biological father – to no avail – he has an alibi. 

New details have emerged that indicate that the baby might have drowned in the bathtub while his mom, Leilani, was high on drugs.

The sad possible explanation comes from a recorded phone call, that the Daily Mail claims to have. They say that Quinton’s grandmother, Billie Jo Howell, 45, who owns the home where the family lives, and from where Quinton disappeared, had a recent telephone conversation with Quinton’s biological father, Henry ‘Bubba’ Moss, 24.  

In the conversation, she allegedly said, “I feel like something happened while Quinton was in the bathtub, and he drowned, and they were both high. That’s my theory.”

They were “both high” refers to Leilani and her boyfriend. 

To which Bubba supposedly replied that Leilani should have called the police.

Howell then said, “If you’re high as hell, man, you do stupid s—.”

Does grandma know something about the whereabouts of toddler Quinton? Or is she repeating a theory told to her?

The media has been covering the sad story and the details of Leilani’s history. She has admitted that she was using drugs while pregnant, and her ex’s have told police that she is a cocaine user and that they didn’t trust her with the children. 

Publicly Leilani has been telling media that she hopes Quinton isn’t dead, and “We’re just hoping that he’s in somebody’s house and they’re feeding him and maybe they wanted a baby or couldn’t have a baby.” That’s what she told TV station WTOC Monday in an interview. 

Howell also has been hoping he isn’t found in the landfill, and said as much in the same interview. 

But on the telephone call, Howell told Moss that police think Leilani blacked out after Quinton drowned. 

Leilani’s drug history is well known, and her children were in the custody of Howell, who was trying to evict her daughter, and her three kids, and her daughter’s live-in new boyfriend, Danny Youngkin, from the home.

Howell, who was responsible for the children, was away when her 18-month-old grandson vanished from her home. Child Protective Services removed Leilani’s two other children from the home on October 12. 

Howell, who says she loves her grandchildren, allegedly told Quinton’s father, “I promise you I would have never, ever, ever left them babies in a situation that was bad for them.”

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