HomeTop HeadlinesPlane Pooper Shocks Passengers on British Airways Flight

Plane Pooper Shocks Passengers on British Airways Flight

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Before take-off of a flight from London’s Heathrow Airport to Lagos, Nigeria, a British Airways passenger dared unleash his dirty secret: he pooped on the floor during the flight, on purpose. To add to the mayhem, he went and soiled the seats, the carpet, and the curtains with it. The incident happened on October 7, 2022.

Passengers were both horrified and disgusted by the act. Meanwhile, emergency responders were called and responded to address the dirty deed as soon as it happened.

According to witnesses, the unnamed man removed his clothing from waist down and just defecated on the floor. After that, he sat on his poop and rubbed it on all possible surfaces that he ran off to.

The incident, which was apparently a protest, was labeled a “hygienic biohazard.”

The airlines apologized to their passengers for the three-hour delay since they had to get everyone off the plane, clean it and prepare an alternative aircraft. 

Everyone was probably thinking “oh sh*t.” Literally and figuratively.

Air travel these days is definitely getting crappier. You never know what will happen.

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