HomeTop HeadlinesSuspect in Double Homicide Believed to Have Lived in Woods for Months

Suspect in Double Homicide Believed to Have Lived in Woods for Months

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A man that was charged with the murder of a couple in New Hampshire, shooting them in April while they were walking on a hiking trail, is believed to have spent months hiding out in a wooded area in South Burlington, Vermont. The man disappeared shortly after the police questioned him about the couple, and he lied to police just before the bodies were found.

Logan Clegg, 26, will be returned to New Hampshire to face two second-degree murder charges as a judge in Vermont agreed to extradite him to the state during a court hearing on Thursday.

An affidavit from the New Hampshire state police did not outline any possible motives for the brutal murders of the couple, Stephen and Wendy Reid. Their bodies were found on April 21, 2022, three days after they left their apartment complex for a walk. However, the affidavit mentions that credit card records, surveillance store footage, and cell phone data led investigators to believe Clegg committed the crime.

Clegg had been found with over $7,000 in cash and had possession of a gun. 

Police records show that shortly after the couple disappeared, on April 20, investigators had run into a man who appeared to be living in the woods. He identified himself as “Arthur Kelly.” When the police returned to question the man two days later, he had disappeared from his campsite, but they found shell casings that matched a few at the crime scene.

A woman later told the police that she had passed the couple on the hiking trail while she was walking her dog on April 18. A few minutes after they passed her, she heard gunshots and saw a young man looking toward the woods where the couple’s bodies had been found.

Several residents also told authorities that they had seen a young homeless man several times between the end of 2021 and April 2022.

Police finally got a breakthrough in the case when a bank provided information about the homeless man’s purchases using credit and debit cards. He was later identified as Cregg through a purchase in which he had used his real name.

A photo of him from an earlier arrest for burglary in Utah matched with the man who had identified himself to police as “Arthur Kelly” when they spoke to him in Concord. The police later found Clegg had been an employee at a McDonald’s in Concord for several months between 2021 and 2022.

Clegg had booked himself a one-way ticket to Germany for this month, and that is when authorities zeroed in on him by using the cell phone number he had used to buy the ticket. They tracked his number to Burlington, Vermont, and arrested him on October 12.

Although he agreed he had worked at McDonald’s, Clegg denied all claims that he had interacted with the police before and lied about his identity and that he owned a gun. He also said that he was not involved in the couple’s murder.

John Formella, New Hampshire Attorney General, said authorities had no other information suggesting that anyone other than Clegg was involved in the shooting. He did not divulge more information, including the motive for the killing.

Bradley Osgood, Concord Police Chief, said that the case was still a priority for them even after months of trying to solve it, and that he hoped the family and friends of the Reid family would find healing.

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