HomeTop HeadlinesMissouri Woman Kidnaps Pregnant Woman and Kills Her and Fetus

Missouri Woman Kidnaps Pregnant Woman and Kills Her and Fetus

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A kidnapping quickly turned into a murder when a Pineville, Missouri resident killed a pregnant woman from Arkansas. According to reports, she wanted to get the baby for herself.

Ashley Bush, 33, had been reportedly talking online to a woman named “Lucy” who promised her a job. They agreed to meet at a Handi-Stop convenience store in Maysville, Arkansas, where Bush was dropped off by her fiancé. “Lucy” then said she was taking Bush to her supervisor for an interview.

Later on, the fiancé said that Bush texted him to pick her up. While waiting for her, he saw the vehicle with the two women inside. Instead of stopping near him, they just drove off. When he tried to call his girlfriend, the call went to voicemail. Bush’s phone was eventually found on the side of the highway. 

Her body and her baby’s body were found in two different places in Missouri.

After investigating, police found that “Lucy’s” real name is Amber Waterman, 42, from Missouri. Blood was found in Waterman’s vehicle.  According to her, Bush had a miscarriage and she delivered the stillborn child.

Amber Waterman’s husband, 42-year-old Jamie Waterman, admitted to helping his wife burn Bush’s body.

Initially, Jamie Waterman admitted to helping his wife dispose of Bush’s body by burning it in a pit at the back of their house. But according to the affidavit, he changed his story, saying that it was “Lucy” who killed Bush, implying that “Lucy” was not the same person as his wife.

The authorities believe that Bush, who was 31 weeks pregnant, had been shot. They did not comment on how the baby was removed from Bush’s body.

McDonald County, Missouri Coroner William Goodwin told CNN that the cause of the baby’s death has not yet been determined, pending an autopsy.

“The baby was cut out of the mother after the mother was killed,” he said. “I don’t know if the baby came out alive or dead.”

Amber Waterman has been charged with kidnapping resulting in death. Her husband, Jamie, has been charged with being an accessory to the crime. Both may possibly receive additional charges and will remain in federal custody while their hearings are being scheduled. 

Benton County Prosecutor Nathan Smith said, “This is just a reminder that there is evil in the world.” He further added that “people do evil things. And that someone would prey upon a pregnant woman at her most vulnerable state is unimaginable, but unfortunately that’s the world we live in.”

Amber Waterman faces life in prison or execution. Jamie Waterman faces a maximum 15 years in prison.

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