HomeTop HeadlinesMissing Teen Found Dead at Michigan Stadium - Mystery Still Unsolved

Missing Teen Found Dead at Michigan Stadium – Mystery Still Unsolved

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The death of missing teenager Adriana Davidson is still a mystery. Her devastated family and friends hope to unravel how she ended up dead near her high school’s athletic field. 

Michigan police announced they found the missing teenager on Monday, January 30. She had last been seen three days earlier on January 27, near her high school, Pioneer High, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

A spokesperson for the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office said that police found the youngster’s lifeless body at around 1 pm on Monday under the bleachers near the high school’s athletic field with no apparent signs of injury or violence. Foul play has not been ruled out, pending the results of the autopsy, but it is not suspected

Davidson, who was nicknamed Addy, did not return home from school on Friday, January 27. Her parents reported her missing. A city-wide search and rescue operation followed.

Davidson’s friends and schoolmates said that they last saw her at around 11 am on Friday morning outside the school. Davidson’s brother, Anthony Lopez, informed the police that someone had found his sister’s phone near the tennis courts on Friday. The person gave the phone to one of Davidson’s best friends.

The teen arrived at the school in the morning via public bus but told her friends she wasn’t feeling well. She then left the school and returned by public bus at noon, and is seen on the bus surveillance video. It is unclear where she had gone when she left the school. She did not go into the school when she returned and it is unclear what followed. 

According to her brother, she texted with a friend at 12:26 pm. Her friend asked her if she was okay, and she said no. The friend didn’t hear from her after that. 

Police are trying to figure out what happened to her after she returned to the school and was found near the athletic field. 

On Saturday, Davidson’s brother Lopez wrote on Facebook that he heard that a student told Davidson’s friend that they had seen her at the bus stop near a man wearing all black, but they did not seem to know each other.

Police are now in possession of the girl’s phone. An autopsy has been performed and the results are pending. Police believe the girl was alone when she died, based on available video footage. 

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