HomeTop HeadlinesWhistleblower Finds Three Severed Heads On His Desk

Whistleblower Finds Three Severed Heads On His Desk

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An employee from a body donation charity has claimed he discovered three severed heads next to his desk after raising concerns about the improper storage of human bodies.

During a press conference held on Tuesday, June 6, Dale Wheatley, the transportation coordinator for the Anatomical Gift Association of Illinois, expressed grave concerns about deteriorating standards within the facility. He recounted distressing incidents where donors, stored in the facility’s rooms, were found with rat-inflicted damage to their bags. He further emphasized the decline in cleanliness, stating that even a short visit to the room would result in one’s shoes sticking to the floor.

When Wheatley confronted his superiors about these issues, he received a chilling response. Upon arriving at work, he discovered three donors’ heads in a plastic container on his desk. When he questioned his boss about this disturbing sight, his boss responded by saying that the heads needed to be reunited with their bodies for cremation. However, no explanation was given as to why they were placed on Wheatley’s desk.

Wheatley reported the matter to the authorities and filed a police report. William O’Connor, the association’s executive vice president, denied Wheatley’s allegations, asserting that handling body parts is part of Wheatley’s job responsibilities.

The Anatomical Gift Association, established in 1918, is a non-profit organization that receives body donations for training medical professionals at eight universities throughout Illinois. The organization maintains that it upholds the highest ethical standards, treating donors with the utmost care and respect.

Wheatley contended that the partner schools were dissatisfied with the condition of the body parts they received. Reports indicate that Casey Tilden, the anatomy lab manager at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, recently filed a complaint email, noting that donors arrived covered in flies or severely decomposed.

Wheatley has lodged complaints about the storage practices with the Cook County medical examiner’s office and the Illinois Department of Public Health.

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