“Wheel of Fortune,” one of America’s most watched and enduring game shows, faced a stir during its October 17 episode. The center of attention was a decision made by host Pat Sajak during a crossword puzzle segment of the show.
During this episode, a contestant from New Jersey, Nadine, was given the puzzle clue “butter.” After being reminded of the rules by Sajak, Nadine responded with the words, “Fly, Fingers, Bean, Nuts”. Sharp-eyed fans were quick to note a mistake. The expected answer should have had “nut” without the ’s.’ However, Sajak accepted Nadine’s answer, leading to disagreement among the show’s loyal followers.
The incident didn’t go unnoticed on social media. A user on X highlighted the oversight by stating, “She said ‘nuts,’ not ‘nut.’ Even closed captioning picked up the ’s.’” The user further supported their claim with a screenshot showcasing the closed caption display.
Earlier in the year, Sajak had another moment of scrutiny. During the bonus round with contestant Ben Tucker, an amusing exchange occurred. Tucker’s attempt to solve a puzzle under the Fun & Games category resulted in him guessing phrases such as “Taunt a chuck guy? Chance guy … no, there’s no C. Wacky guy. Taunt a wacky guy”. The actual answer was “Taking a quick jog.” When Sajak humorously commented, “Wow, that was so unclose,” Tucker cleverly responded, questioning the association of jogging with fun and games. This light-hearted back-and-forth was later featured on the game show’s official Instagram with the caption, “He has a point.” Despite Tucker’s mistake, many fans agreed with his sentiment.
Amid these discussions, an announcement emerged that Pat Sajak would be retiring. Having started in 1981, he has been the iconic face of “Wheel of Fortune” for a staggering 42 years. Vanna White, who joined the show just a year after Sajak, will continue her role, having renewed her contract until the 2025-26 season. As for the void left by Sajak’s departure, Ryan Seacrest is slated to be the new co-host.
With these transitions, “Wheel of Fortune” continues its journey, intertwining change with memories. As audiences say goodbye to Sajak and get ready to greet Seacrest, discussions such as the recent “nuts vs. nut” controversy highlight the emotional bond viewers share with the show.