HomeTop HeadlinesOne Dead, One Injured After Plunge Into Icy Waters

One Dead, One Injured After Plunge Into Icy Waters

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In Otsego County, Upstate New York, a 41-year-old ice fisherman lost his life after he and his brother fell through the ice on Basswood Pond in the town of Burlington. 

The incident, which occurred on January 6, 2024, involved two brothers from Richfield Springs who ventured onto the pond, not realizing the danger of the thin ice, reported to be only one inch thick.

A passerby, walking their dog, witnessed the accident and immediately alerted emergency services. Forest Ranger Nate Laymon, who was only a minute away from the scene, responded right away. 

Upon arrival, he found the older brother, aged 42, struggling in the frigid waters. Laymon put on a wet suit and went onto the ice, crawling toward the man. The ranger employed a throw bag and a rope to extract him from the water. At 2:55, after securing him on solid ground, Laymon used a sled to transport the hypothermic victim to the awaiting members of the Edmeston Fire Department.

The focus then shifted to locating the younger brother, who had disappeared beneath the surface. Laymon recounted spotting a red, white, and black reflective coat, identifying it as belonging to the missing man due to the visible brand ‘Polaris’ on his snowmobile jacket. At approximately 3:05 p.m., the younger brother was found submerged in seven to eight feet of water. Despite the exhaustive efforts to rescue him, including CPR administered by EMTs, the man was pronounced dead later that night at a local hospital.

The combined efforts of approximately 20 to 30 rescue personnel from various departments, including firefighters and state police, were involved in the operation. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released a video of the rescue effort on their social media platforms, capturing the urgency and intensity of the situation.

The incident has raised concerns regarding the safety of ice fishing, especially during periods of unstable weather conditions that can lead to thinning ice. The DEC, in their communication following the incident, emphasized the importance of checking ice conditions and being prepared for emergencies when engaging in outdoor activities during winter.

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