Terry Carter, a pioneering figure in television history who starred in renowned series including “Battlestar Galactica” and “McCloud,” died at age 95 on Tuesday, April 22, 2024, at his New York City home. His death ended a multi-faceted and influential career that spanned numerous decades in the entertainment profession.
Born John Everett DeCoste on December 16, 1928, in Brooklyn, New York City, Carter marked a significant milestone in television. As one of the earliest Black actors to secure a recurring role on a significant TV show, he played Private Sugarman on “The Phil Silvers Show” from 1955 to 1959. This role paved the way for a prosperous career, breaking racial barriers in the entertainment industry and becoming a beacon of inspiration for future generations.
In the decade of the 1970s, Carter achieved additional recognition as Sergeant Joe Broadhurst on the TV series “McCloud,” co-starring Dennis Weaver. The show enjoyed a successful run for seven seasons, from 1970 to 1977. With his portrayal of Colonel Tigh in the 1978 series “Battlestar Galactica,” he further expanded his versatile acting repertoire in the realm of sci-fi.
Not only was Carter known for his acting roles, but he also made significant contributions behind the scenes. He earned respect as a documentary filmmaker, producing works such as an Emmy-nominated documentary on jazz icon Duke Ellington. His production company, Meta-4 Productions, Inc., specialized in creating films that fostered cultural and historical enlightenment.
His contributions to television extended beyond acting and filmmaking. In 1965, Carter made another historic stride by becoming the first Black news anchor in New England, working for WBZ-TV in Boston. This role underscored his adaptability and dedication to pioneering new paths in the entertainment and broadcasting sectors.
Throughout his life, Carter was recognized for his significant impact on the arts. He served on the boards of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. His legacy in the entertainment industry is marked not only by his groundbreaking roles but also by his unwavering efforts to enhance diversity and understanding through his creative endeavors, a contribution that continues to resonate within the industry.
Terry Carter is survived by his wife, Etaferhu Zenebe-DeCoste, his children, Miguel and Melinda, and a granddaughter. His family has announced that a private memorial service will be held in his honor.