Tony Knight, a 54-year-old British comedian known affectionately as the “Dog Listener,” died when a large tree branch unexpectedly fell on him during the “Rock and Cars” music festival in Lavaur, southern France. The incident also left four others injured. The incident occurred on June 7.
Knight, celebrated for his charisma and vibrant presence on and off the stage, was just a few days into his annual trip to France, a trip he cherished for leisure and professional engagements. He was eagerly anticipating a series of comedy performances across the United Kingdom and dog training sessions throughout Europe.
Joanne Allen, the sister of Knight’s long-term partner Hayley Wright, shared the profound impact of his loss on their family and friends. “He was only 54 and having the time of his life, fit, healthy, happy, and had everything going for him,” she wrote on a GoFundMe page aimed at covering funeral costs and other expenses arising from this unforeseen tragedy. This page also highlights the complexities faced by his partner, Wright, dealing with the aftermath in a foreign country, compounded by Knight’s status as an Englishman with Australian residency living in France.
The mayor of Lavaur, Bernard Carayon, expressed his deep condolences, noting the unprecedented nature of the accident. “Never has such a dramatic event occurred in our city,” he remarked, echoing the sentiments of shock and sorrow throughout the community.
At the time of his death, Knight had recently finished paying off a home in Bouillac, France where he intended to settle down with Wright. The couple shared a profound bond, often traveling together across Europe during the northern summer. Their relationship blossomed over 15 years ago when Knight helped Wright treat her dog for anxiety, forging a deep connection that lasted until his untimely death.
Allen warmly recalled Knight as a family entertainer and a beloved individual renowned for stoking the friendly England vs. Australia rivalry at family gatherings. She described him as funny, charismatic, passionate, and loved by her sister Hayley, his family, and his friends.
Knight’s death has prompted an outpouring of support and tributes from those who knew him. His gentle and effective approach to dog training, which shunned the use of force or gadgets, earned him global respect and admiration. He had been featured on numerous television and radio programs and was preparing to expand his professional reach with upcoming shows and training sessions.