HomeToday in HistoryWhat Happened on July 3

What Happened on July 3

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  • 2013 Coup in Egypt
    Egyptian defense minister Abdul Fatah al-Sisi staged a coup and forced out President Mohamed Morsi
  • 1988 Iran Air flight 655 is shot down by a US Navy ship
    The USS Vincennes mistakenly shot down the airplane en route to Dubai, killing all 290 people aboard.
  • 1962 Algeria’s independence from France
    Algeria’s independence from France was finalized after the signing of the Évian Accords in the spa town of Évian-les-Bains.

Births On This Day,
July 3

  • 1971 Julian Assange
    Australian journalist, publisher, activist, founder of WikiLeaks
  • 1962 Tom Cruise
    American actor, writer, director, producer
  • 1949 Bo Xilai
    Chinese politician

Deaths On This Day,
July 3

  • 2012 Andy Griffith
    American actor, singer, producer, screenwriter
  • 1995 Pancho Gonzales
    American tennis player
  • 1971 Jim Morrison
    American singer-songwriter, poet
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