Steve Harvey, the host of “Celebrity Family Feud,” sparked laughter and bewilderment during an episode that aired on August 6, 2024. His lack of familiarity with actor Tom Holland became a highlight of the show.
The amusing event unfolded when Clay Aiken, the former “American Idol” contestant, was queried to name a famous Tom, whom a girl would be thrilled to attend prom with. Aiken responded assertively, “Tom Holland.” Harvey, looking perplexed, queried, “Who’s Tom Holland?“
A wave of laughter swept through the audience as Aiken described Tom Holland as the actor playing Spider-Man in the Marvel films. Lightening the situation, Aiken humorously indicated that his 15-year-old son, Parker, had suggested the name, demonstrating the younger generation’s connection to the superhero genre.
Tom Holland, known for his performance as Spider-Man in hit movies such as “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” “Spider-Man: Far From Home,” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” is a well-recognized figure in Hollywood. He has also featured in the “Avengers” series and is dating actress Zendaya. Despite Holland’s fame, Harvey’s response indicated that the 67-year-old host may not be up-to-date with popular culture.
The incident triggered a flurry of reactions on social media platforms like TikTok. One user questioned, “How does Steve not know who Tom Holland is?” Another commented, “I’m 53 and immediately knew it was Tom Holland. How does Steve not know him?”
Harvey has previously experienced unexpected moments on the show. In a separate incident, he was taken aback when a contestant named Ava answered a question about a TV host women fantasize about, by naming him. Harvey, noticeably rattled, asked her age. Upon learning she was 24, Harvey reacted with humor, exclaiming, “Oh God, no!” to the delight of the studio audience.
Harvey’s humorous approach and occasional blunders have become a significant aspect of his appeal as a host. While his unfamiliarity with Tom Holland may have surprised some, such incidents contribute to the show’s entertainment value, keeping viewers engaged and coming back for more.