South Park Makes its Debut on Comedy Central:
The American animated series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, follows the lives and adventures of 4 boys – Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, and Stan Marsh – in a fictional town called South Park, Colorado. The show has attracted widespread criticism for profane language and for addressing controversial subjects.
Construction of Berlin Wall starts:
A wall that divided West Berlin from East Berlin.
Central African Republic Gains its Independence From France:
The African Country came under French rule in the late 19th century. Barthélemy Boganda, a nationalist politician declared the creation of an independent Central African Republic and became the first Prime Minister of the country.
- 1983 Sebastian Stan
Romanian/American actor
- 1970 Alan Shearer
English footballer
- 1926 Fidel Castro
Cuban lawyer, politician, 15th President of Cuba
- 1899 Alfred Hitchcock
English director, producer
- 2009 Les Paul
American guitarist, songwriter, co-designed the Gibson Guitar
- 2004 Julia Child
American chef, author
- 1995 Mickey Mantle
American baseball player