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Senator Withholds Endorsement: Political Fallout

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Joe Manchin, the outgoing senator from West Virginia, has once more found himself in disagreement with Vice President Kamala Harris. The point of contention this time is the contentious Senate filibuster, and Manchin has declined to back Harris on this matter.

On September 24, 2024, Manchin expressed disapproval over Harris’ advocacy for abolishing the 60-vote filibuster rule to pass legislation protecting abortion rights at the federal level. Harris, a vocal critic of the filibuster, contends that the rule hinders significant legislative advancements.

Manchin, who recently changed his party affiliation to independent, was forthright in his criticism of Harris’ position. “Shame on her,” he told the press. “She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids.”

Following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, which left abortion rights to the discretion of individual states, the filibuster has been a contentious issue within the Democratic Party. Harris argues that removing the filibuster would enable Democrats to pass legislation that safeguards abortion rights at the federal level. In an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio, she stated, “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom.”

Despite Harris’ steadfast stance, both Manchin and Arizona independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema have staunchly defended the filibuster. Sinema cautioned that abolishing the filibuster could have unintended consequences, describing it as a terrible idea. She expressed concerns that removing the filibuster to protect Roe v. Wade could potentially allow a future Congress to impose a nationwide ban on abortion.

The disagreement within the Democratic Party over the filibuster has attracted attention. During his presidency, Donald Trump called for an end to the filibuster, although key Republican lawmakers, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have defended it. Trump recently commented on the current debate, lauding Manchin for his opposition to Harris’ position and referring to her support for ending the filibuster as a “DEATH WISH for the Filibuster and the Rule of Law.”

President Joe Biden has supported the idea of abolishing the filibuster to advance abortion and voting rights protections, especially after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case in 2022. However, the efforts of Biden and Harris have encountered resistance due to disagreements within the Democratic Party. Both Senators Manchin and Sinema have consistently opposed alterations to the filibuster, particularly when Democrats tried to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in early 2022.

The continuing filibuster debate underscores the broader challenges faced by the Democratic Party in progressing its legislative agenda. With the 2024 elections around the corner, the party grapples with internal divisions and the daunting task of maintaining its narrow majority in the Senate. If the Democrats lose control of the Senate, efforts to establish abortion rights and other significant issues will face even more significant hurdles.

Manchin’s refusal to support Harris exemplifies the depth of the division within the party over this issue. The West Virginia senator has consistently positioned himself as a centrist, often opposing more progressive policies proposed by Harris and other Democratic leaders. As he prepares to retire at the end of the year, Manchin’s steadfast defense of the filibuster is likely to be a major aspect of his political legacy.

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